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Pixi + Rewards is Pixi’s loyalty program that offers our glowing community exclusive rewards and experiences. Redeem rewards with points earned from qualifying purchases.
To join, you must create an account by entering your name, email and choosing a password.
Once a member of Pixi+ Rewards, you can earn up to 5 points per each $1 spent shopping with us via the website. You can also earn points by completing activities in your Pixi + Rewards portal, such as entering your birthday and referring your friends to Pixi.
Yes, you can earn points just for signing up, as well as completing activities listed in your Pixi+ Rewards portal. Activities include entering your birthday, following Pixi on social media and leaving product reviews.
Once you have earned enough points to qualify for the reward you want to redeem, log in to your Pixi + Rewards portal and click the “Get reward” button under the reward of your choice. A code to redeem your reward will appear on the screen for you to use. Your redeemed rewards will stay in your account until you decide to use them.
No, currently rewards are only redeemable online.
Points will expire if not used within12 months of your last purchase. You will be notified 14 days before your points expire.
Yes, we offer an exclusive gift of 500 points to all Pixi+ Rewards members that have added their birthday to account.
No, currently points can only be earned by shopping with Pixi through our online website or our mobile app.
Tiers indicate your status in the Pixi + Rewards loyalty program: Glow-Dreamer, Glow-Getter & Ultimate Glow. Each tier has its own perks and exclusive rewards offered to members. Move through the tiers by earning points and shopping with Pixi!
No, rewards cannot be combined with other promotions running on the website.
If your order is returned and refunded, the points associated with that purchase are removed from your account.